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 Education and fun, all in one




Breeding Calculator:
The First tool available is our breeding calculator. To use this on your site all you need to do is place the following line into an HTML page. We host the application on our server so you don't have to worry about programming anything, nor do you have to try and get a Javascript applet to work correctly in all browsers.
<iframe src="http://caitlinscritters.com/cgi-bin/breedingCalculator.cgi?bgcoloroverride=ffcc99&txcoloroverride=663300" scrolling="no"width="610" height="550" frameborder="0">Your browser doesn't support IFRAMES. You may access the calculator <a href="http://caitlinscritters.com/cgi-bin/breedingCalculator.cgi">here</a></iframe>

It's that easy. The above code will be with this website's color scheme, to change the colors all you need to do is change the "ffcc99" and "663300" with the correct color codes to match your site for background and forground. (google "html hex color codes" to get more information). For more help you can send an e-mail to tools [at] caitlinscritters.com.

Pedigree Maker:
The second tool offered at caitlinsCritters.com. This one launched 22 Jun 2010 and as of now still has some growing pains. It works, but is a touch slower than I would like, of course I'll continue making it better as time goes on. Due to its complexity, I can not offer this as an iframe to embed in your site, though you are more than welcome to link here for people to use it. In the future I may be able to package it up as an embedable app.